Kids matter to Jesus - the Bible says it loud and clear. In Luke, Jesus called the children to Him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Luke 18:16)
At Grace Community Church, we are passionate about creating an atmosphere where kids can experience God in a creative and relevant way. Parents have the freedom to worship in the main service while their kids are safe and secure gathering with friends and learning God's Word.
We would love to see you and your family visit Grace Kids.
Saturate the students in the Word of God and provide them with useful life applications.
Relationships. Whether it be peer to peer, student to teacher, child to parent, child to sibling, or the student's personal relationship with Christ. In everything we do, we want to foster these growing relationships, by pointing them to Christ.
Our nursery is designed and equipped to minister to children from Birth until the time they are potty trained. Our desire is to provide a room that is environmentally safe and clean; to establish an atmosphere of love and laughter so they may experience the love of Christ from those caring for them; and to give parents confidence that their children are being cared for by loving and trustworthy caregivers and volunteers.
We believe that even babies can begin to comprehend and understand God's love for them which is why we share the Bible App for Kids curriculum with them every week.
We desire to present deep Biblical truths in crazy and creative ways that your kids will love! On Sunday mornings, kids will have fun learning God’s Word through funny skits, wacky games and amazing Bible teaching. With a dynamic mixture of large group activities and interactive videos, every Sunday morning is packed with fun interaction and personal connections, creating an atmosphere where kids experience God in a way they never will forget.
We use High Voltage curriculum to teach both our Preshool and Elementary students but we believe Elementary students are ready for a deeper level of Biblical learning than our younger students. We want our students to be connected to a group where they can grow spiritually. Our desire is to equip the students with the tools and the knowledge needed to develop a strong faith in Jesus and to constantly look for ways to serve Him and others.
Connect is a Middle School Youth Group made up of 5th – 8th grade students. Every week your student will have a blast connecting with other students their age, growing in their understanding of God’s Word, and worshipping together in a fun, life-giving environment! This is the "connector" group between Children's Ministry and the High School Youth Group. We usually have one outing a month so we can do life outside the church walls. We have been ice skating, roller skating, bowling, miniature golfing, go-cart racing, to the pumpkin patch and even done Mission projects. LIVE Jr. High curriculum is used for this group. Why? Because it is:
Student-led discovery vs leader talking exclusively which results in teenagers developing personal beliefs that stand up to pressure.
Intimate vs following spiritual formulas which results in teenagers who follow Jesus because they’re captured by His heart.
Teenagers talking vs lecture-style which results in teenagers sharing doubts and questions that ultimately strengthen their faith.
Knowing Jesus vs knowing about Jesus which results in teenagers seeing Jesus as a friend, not a distant authority to obey.
Conversational vs big production which results in teenagers getting to know each other and practicing discipling together.
Grace is a non-denominational church. We believe in the Bible, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We believe salvation comes from Christ alone by grace alone.
All Rights Reserved | Grace Community Church
Sunday Services
Breakfast 8:00 a.m.
Small Groups 9:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 10:15 a.m.
Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Connect 5th-12th | Sundays 5:30 p.m.
Mid-Week (Wednesdays)
Prayer 6:15 p.m.
Band of Brothers 6:30 p.m.